Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

And the poet asked “Who will buy the garden’s sweet shivers? Who will buy the blissful mirth on dawn’s smiling lips?”
I listened to how my mother sang these lines, and for a moment I saw the young girl she was. She was too young to be a mother. Forever. But she was already one. Too late. How do one pay for someone’s lost days?

Goodbye, Summer.

Goodbye to your needless persuasions, goodbye to the foam left on the coffee cups, left to dry over the lonely hours of togetherness.

Goodbye to the windless, closed rooms behind which love never bloomed, goodbye to a spring that forgot its way home.

Goodbye to the roads that led to long winters ahead of toil and daily tussles.

Goodbye to the fallen winter flowers and the moist eyes which closed not knowing the weight of autumn.

Shall I wish or perish, Keats,
In your remembrances?
I saw closed doors with black ribbons of your choice
And heard laces humming late hymns.
The cold winter races up to the moon forever.
Yet in all times do I find you, warm as wine and fever;
Only in death does ice on ice grow like a tree.

Draw on me; divine me,
I wait at the threshold, eager to be called in.
Yet. Yet, you speak only in riddles.
Malachite and mirrors do adorn your windows,
Why don’t you let me through too?

I saw those fences in mourning;
Alabaster-clad winds and alcoholic fire –
Your friends in desire.
Drown me in a cup of hot chocolate,
Smother me with poetry.
Is that too much to ask for?


Bright lights would perish, all of a sudden.
Those that persevere, ember to ember, flame to flame, shall remain.

Erebus shall dine on light, night after night.
You and I, we shall keep adding coal to this fire.

Gorging on corpses, Nekhbet saw afar a tomb-
Painted grey and red, darling I knew it was yours.

“Hide it from her eyes”, you said.
I stood bemused: “Are you a better lover or her?”, I asked.

Soul withers; alas, were you too bright?
I counted the pebbles nigh yon Nile amid your bones, teeth, etc.

Adieu to your flame, I said;
Along with life, death and other things.


Shade-less reds

Bring depth

As the Dead

Hearts Wept




You and I, we’re infinite;

Hence it is fated that we’d never meet.

Parallel in universes 

Parted by mindsets,

United by tristesse infinie


T/N : Triste Infiniment : Infinitely Sad ; Tristesse infinie: Infinite sadness / melancholy

Numb words: un-…

Posted: October 15, 2013 in Death, Life, Pain, Quote
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Numb words: un-uttered and cold; Dreamless in the wake of crimson darkness.
My alter ego has left this altar; time to extinguish the flame.

– Me ( Nandini Pradeep J )



Posted: October 15, 2013 in Death, Life, Quote
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Pain..Blinding pain.
I may not be able to explain it but I shall revel in it, with all my senses scintillating in its glorious riot.

– Me  ( Nandini Pradeep J )


For the first…

Posted: October 15, 2013 in Death, Life, Quote
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For the first time in many days, fear has engulfed my existence.
Sheer melancholy throbs in the lonely corners of this haunted bone-house.

– Me ( Nandini Pradeep J )


Dedicated to Joonie (Joon), my lovely cat-friend, My White Knight. 

Under another sky

Where crabs fly

And dreams take no wings

I’ll come rolling

On to the meadow

To find you strolling

On a lazy every-day-afternoon.

Fishes and feathers everywhere

For you to play and fight with.

They, who were waiting

For their brother,

From a faraway Night.

You closed your eyes on me

As the pains embraced you.

I embraced your dying body,

Listened to your last heartbeats,

As I poured the last drops of water

You’ll ever have,

A drop of crystalline universe,

In your eyes, formed.

And then the warmth left you;

Your body, a numb monument

Of our memories together.

As I handed you over

To the Other World,

I let myself fall

And rise again.

I thought words were all that I had

But you taught me they were not enough

To bid you goodbye.

– In Memory of My White Knight. 

